EV Charging Maintenance
EV charging stations are a smart investment that require smart maintenance to guarantee uptime. Bear is the only company with the assets and personnel to offer a robust 24/7 support system for maintaining EV charging stations.
EV Charging Maintenance Services:
Issue detection and troubleshooting
Service restoration
Hardware and software repairs
Underground electrical and conduit repairs
Site survey and provisioning
Click the image for more maintenance projects.
EV Charging Construction
Across the country businesses have been moving to more eco-friendly solutions. Bear Electrical has been a large part of this trend, as we construct EV charging stations across the state of California. Our unique experience in outdoor electrical makes us highly qualified to complete EV charging station projects, large or small.
EV Charging Construction Services:
Feasibility field support and design assistance
Permitting and contracting with agencies
Sourcing and installation of EV technology
Electrical infrastructure improvements and modifications